This is the time of year that I miss seasons. Having lived in places with seasons as soon as September arrives I feel a sense loss. Where is the crispness in the air, the colorful leaves, the anticipation of snow and hot chocolate? For about a month and a half I want to move. But then I see snowstorms on the news and remember being without power in the dead of winter and I get over it. Our favorite playground has an ocean view. It isn’t so bad living here.
We went to the beach a few nights ago. Here is Peter on the playground. This is Collin on the monkey bars. He can actually do the whole thing, those girls were in the way and he didn't make it and then my camera batteries died. He can even do the ones with the swinging handles. How old is this amazing little monkey you ask? He just turned four. Isn't he amazing?
In other autumn related news both my kids are sick. As soon as they started their new preschools they picked up coughs. Peter even picked up a nice high fever to go with his. Because of this both boys missed school yesterday and I don't think Peter will be going back until Thursday. His preschool has a very strict policy on illness. He has to be fever free for 24 hours before he can return to school. I just hope my kids aren't sick all winter this year like they were last year.